Price list:

Work 2023

1. Metro Plan: 850€

2. To The North: 850€

3. Happy Tree: 850€

4. Traffic jam: Sold

Work 2022

1. Grow to be Gorgeous : 790€

2. The Trust is There : 790€

3. Attracted In The Middle :  1900€

4. Asymmetry Balance: 1900€

5. Flower Fountain. (Rose FF): 1900€

Work 2021:

  1. Come and Look at Me: Sold
  2. All From My Depth : 790€
  3. I am There!: 790€
  4. The Pink Flight!: 790€
  5. The Green Flight!: 790€
  6. Latest Squall: (2 paintings - Dyptic) 1500€
  7. Ray Of The Day: 790€
  8. Solar System 2.0: 790€

Work 2020:

  1. Green Wave: Sold
  2. Pollen rain: Sold
  3. L´ombre Caché dans la Lumière: 790€
  4. Just Before Impact. Sold
  5. Milkyway In the Day: 790€
  6. Pirita Bay: Sold

Work 2019:

  1. Morning Grove: 450€
  2. Green Grove: 790€
  3. Large manta Blossoming: 790€
  4. Green Garden: Sold
  5. Waterfall: Sold
  6. Spider Crab under the Water: 650€
  7. Magic Waterfall: 350€
  8. Calm before the Storm: 500€
  9. Firework at the night: sold